It’s Monday like many others, but today the weather is mild and the sea calm, at two in the morning the fishermen begin their day of fishing.
The nets are arranged and loaded on board, the final checks are carried out and we leave the port while the city is still asleep.
With the engine at maximum rpm you reach the fishing area, where experience and the season, you think you will get a good catch. The sun begins to rise and dawn, the net is lowered into the sea for the first catch, it will remain towed on the bottom for about 2/3 hours which pass while waiting to understand if it will be a good day of fishing.
Based on experience and empirical references (when the engine struggles more to tow) and the time elapsed the net is set to sea, once the bag of catch has been hoisted on board it will be unloaded in the stern part of the fishing vessel and then proceed with the selection of the catch.
Seagulls and dolphins will follow the fishing all day long, interested in the fish waste thrown back into the sea.
Before proceeding with this last operation, the net will be lowered back into the sea, while waiting for a new fishing cycle, the sailors will place the catch in boxes, covering the catch with ice.
This cycle of lowering, setting sail, placing the fish, will be repeated throughout the day, the sailors will take turns resting in the bunk for about 2 hours, woken up by a bell, resuming a new cycle.
The day is coming to an end, it’s starting to get dark, the last drop is set sail, there’s only time left to return to the port at full speed to unload the catch.
It’s around 2pm at the pier waiting for the fishermen’s wives who will have the task of taking the catch to the public auction in vans.
Once the fishing boat has unloaded the catch, it will set off again for a new day of fishing.
It wasn’t a profitable day, but not the worst, hopefully tomorrow will be better, even if we are aware that the continuous raking of the increasingly dirty and polluted bottom will lead to an impoverishment of the fish.